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Livingston County Deputy Received Training In St. Joseph

A Livingston County Deputy received additional training recently.  Deputy Terry Wilson attended the training in St. Joseph that included: the impact of trauma, vicarious trauma, and burnout on professional and personal wellbeing.

Wilson told Sheriff Steve Cox about some of the important items he took from the training, including:

  • When you leave work for the day leave work at work and focus on you, your family and friends.
  • If you feel you are having trouble do not feel ashamed to ask for help.
  • Take your vacations and time off and enjoy your time away from the job and try to focus on you and not your job.
  • If you see a coworker having difficulty do not wait for them to ask for help, go to them and ask if you can help them in any way you can.
  • Things to help you are eating good meals and not fast food all the time, a good night’s sleep, exercise on a regular basis and take time away from work for yourself and your family.

That sounds like good advice for all of us.

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