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Conservation Award to Chillicothe Man

A Chillicothe man has received the Master Conservationist Award from the Missouri Conservation Commission and Missouri Department of Conservation.
The Award was bestowed to Jeff Churan of Chillicothe at the recent Commission meeting. He is the 62nd person to receive the award since it was first presented in 1942.
Commission Director Sara Parker Pauley said Churan’s “personal passion for conservation, both as a hunter and as a landowner, is well known, but he’s also served consistently and tirelessly behind the scenes for decades to move conservation forward in Missouri.”
She said Churan’s passion for natural resources led him to serve in key local and national volunteer positions with The Nature Conservancy, Quail Unlimited, the Conservation Federal of Missouri, the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation, the University of Missouri School of Natural Resources Advisory Council, and Ducks Unlimited.
In 1983 he was appointed by then-Governor Bond to serve a six-year term as a Missouri Conservation Commissioner.