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Australian Rotarian’s Visited Chillicothe This Week

A group of Australian Rotarians visited Chillicothe this week and had an opportunity to tour the community.  Arthur Manser from the Rotary Club of St Peter in South Australia stopped by KCHI and talked about his team of four young professionals visiting Rotary District 6040 in Kansas City, including Chillicothe.   Manser says the team is made up of himself and four young ladies.

Manser says the visit in Chillicothe Friday brought them to many locations around the community.

District Governor Julie McCoy met with their District Governor and they created an exchange.  Manser says the exchange is more than visiting each other’s communities; they also have grant money that is used in BOTH districts.  In Australia, Manser says they are helping Aboriginals with kidney disease.

In our area, He says the grant funding is helping disadvantaged schools.

Arthur Manser says what he will take back to his Rotary Club is how they were welcomed, how knowledge and experiences were shared and says he will encourage others to make the same trip in the future.