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2019 Rainfall 6.7″ Above Normal For The Year

Chillicothe rainfall totals so far in the month of May are more than 5 inches above normal and we still have more than a week to go, with chances of rain in the forecast through early next week.

In the month of May, so far, we’ve had 8.28 inches of rain, with the most rain received in a single day at 1.75 inches on May 20th.

The rainfall this month puts Chillicothe 6.72 inches above normal since the first of the year and were above normal for four of those months.

In January, Chillicothe had 2.31 inches, February 1.86 inches, March 3.50 inches, and April 2.59 inches. In April we were nearly an inch below the normal precipitation.

Compared to 2018, we are much wetter, maybe too wet. In 2018 by the end of May, we had 7.66 inches of rain for the first five months. That was more than 6.25 inches BELOW normal.

Month 2019 Rainfall Departure from Normal 2018 Rainfall Departure from Normal
Jan 2.31 1.21 0.62 (0.48)
Feb 1.86 0.66 1.53 0.09
Mar 3.50 0.80 1.74 (0.96)
April 2.59 (0.98) 0.78 (2.79)
May 8.28 5.03 2.99 (2.13)
Total 18.54 6.72 7.66 (6.27)