The Drug Take Back Box at the Chillicothe Police Department is a great way to dispose of unwanted, expired or excess medications. The Drug Take Back Box is located in the entryway of the Chillicothe Police Department and allows anyone to dispose of their unwanted, excess or expired prescription or over the counter medications – no questions asked.
The Chillicothe Police Department Detective Whitney Murdock says proper disposal keeps the unneeded narcotics off the streets. Murdock says they encourage those using the box to please read the instructions before disposing of medication.
You can dispose of: Any prescriptions (controlled or non-controlled substances) Vitamins, prescription ointments, pet medications, prescription patches, and over the counter medications.
PLEASE! No needles (sharps) syringes, inhalers, aerosol cans, or hydrogen peroxide.
The Police Department empties the box on a regular basis and the contents are destroyed in a controlled manner.