The Chillicothe R-II School District is changing the start times for the various building when the 2019/20 school year begins. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Zach McMains says this is expected to improve the efficiency of the bus routes. McMaines says under the new schedule, the middle school will start first.
McMaines says they are making the changes to eliminate some of the problems they had this year.
Parents will receive information for the bus their child will ride and the times and location for pick-up and drop off on the routes after the routes are finalized this summer.
2019/20 Chillicothe school start and dismissal times
CMS 7:45 am – 2:55 pm
CHS 7:55 am – 3:05 pm
CES 8:05 am – 3:15 pm
Field 8:15 am – 3:25 pm
Dewey 8:20 am – 3:30 pm