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Bids & Medical Marijuana Are On Chillicothe City Council Agenda

An ordinance for Medical Marijuana and amendments to the City Budget are on the Chillicothe City Council agenda for Monday.  The council will meet Monday at 5:30 for a workshop session.  That session includes discussions on city finances.

At 6:30, the council meets in Council Chamber with an agenda that begins with finance.  Bids will be presented for park concessions, soft drinks for the pool and golf course, the bid for towing services, and bids for a voice logger recorder system.

Under appearances:

The Auditor will present the final amendments to the 2018/19 budget.

Parks Director Josh Norris will request purchasing items from the Danner Park and Aquatics Reserve Fund.

Grand River Entertainment will lead a discussion on the shade structure at Shaffer Park.

Ben White from Main Street will request placing the Parklet on Calhoun, just west of Washington Street.

City Attorney Robert Cowherd will present a discussion on the Draft Ordinance for medical marijuana.

A Closed Executive Session is planned to follow the regular meeting to handle personnel matters.