Flooding continues for most of the Grand River in the area counties.
For the Grand River at Chillicothe, moderate flooding continues after a crest Wednesday of 33.7 feet. At 5:00 am, the river was at 33.25 feet and flooding is expected to continue at Chillicothe until Friday evening when the river will fall back below flood stage of 24 feet.
For other areas on the Grand River
Flooding has ended at Pattonsburg and the river level at Gallatin is dropping and should fall back below flood stage fo 26 feet later this morning.
At Sumner, moderate flooding continues, with the river at or near its crest of 37.25 feet. Flooding at Sumner is expected to continue until Sunday afternoon when the river will fall back below flood stage of 26 feet.
At Brunswick, moderate flooding is occurring with the river still rising towards a crest of 30.8 feet Friday morning. Flood stage at Brunswick is 19 feet and the river is expected to remain above flood stage until Tuesday.
For The Wakenda Creek at Carrollton, moderate flooding continues. The Creek was at 19.8 feet early this morning and should begin falling quickly. The creek should fall back below flood stage of 16 feet this morning.