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Chillicothe R-II School Board Meets Tuesday At The PAC

The Chillicothe R-II School Board will meet Tuesday at 6:00 pm.  this meeting will be held at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center.

The agenda will begin with a COVID-19 update, including a discussion about summer school.

The Superintendent will give a presentation on the district’s response to the pandemic.

The board will review the recommendations from MSBA and the Center for Education Safety on re-opening the schools.

They will also discuss the Summer Weights and Conditioning program.

Mr Wiebers will give a presentation about the Tax Levy on the June 2nd ballot and a presentation about the District Office project.

Under new business,

There will be discussions about surplus property, including three GRTS vehicles and two scoreboards and stat panels.

A budget update will be presented and there will be information on Job Descriptions.

The meeting of the Chillicothe R-II School Board will be Tuesday, May 19th at 6:00 pm.  It will be held at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center.  The public is welcome to attend, but social distancing will be maintained.