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Tax Rate Hearing On Trenton Council Agenda

The Trenton City Council meets Monday with a public hearing to set the tax rate.  The Council Meeting begins at 7:00 pm at City Hall.  The meeting will also be available via ZOOM.

The first item on the agenda is the Tax Rate Hearing, to discuss setting the rate for the City of Trenton at 1.1763 per $100 valuation.  That includes .9935 for the General Fund and .1828 for the Park Fund.    The assessed valuation for Trenton was down from last year, so the rate was increased to allow the city to remain revenue natural.

An ordinance will be presented to set the tax rate.  Other ordinances include a contract for the design of the airport project, and a contract with the consultant for the water treatment plant improvements.

New Business includes:  approval of the airport hanger project bids, the police car lease interest, the landlord letter, the lien waiver, the Airport Hanger Land Lease, a lease of the city’s North Hangers, a revision of the budget for replacement of electrical relays and breakers, approval of a water main to the wastewater plant and a discussion on an increase for water and wastewater.


An executive session is also scheduled for a legal matter.