Setting the 2018 Chillicothe R-II School District Tax Rate is on the agenda for tonight’s meeting of the Chillicothe R-II School Board. The Board will hold a public hearing at 6:15 pm at the district office to hear from the public on the tax rate, proposed at $4.7160 per $100 valuation. That rate includes $3.6300 for the general fund, .9660 for debt service and .1200 for capital improvement. The taxes paid to the school district on a $100,000 home would be $896.04, an increase of $4.18 from last year.
The regular School Board meeting begins at 6:30 pm with the welcoming of the new teachers, introduced by their respective principals.
The board will consider approval of the tax rate for the district, and will consider a resolution to approve the lease purchase agreement for the financing of the middle school project this summer.
The board will also review 13 new or revised board policies as provided by the Missouri School Board Association.
An executive session will follow Tuesday’s regular school board meeting.