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Classes To Better Your Memory

If you struggle to learn new things or remembering details, the Extension Office in Chillicothe has some upcoming classes that may help.
The University of Missouri Extension Human Development Specialists, Jessica Trussell, and Amber Allen are offering a Boost Your Brain & Memory Class via Zoom. The class uses a whole-person approach that helps you form new habits to live a healthier lifestyle, remember things better, be more organized, pay closer attention, and regulate your emotions. Each participant will receive a downloadable workbook including memory exercises, tips on nutrition and exercise, and summaries of evidence-based research on brain health.
The class will focus on healthy habits in six areas: heart health, nutrition, physical activity, social engagement, cognitive engagement, and stress management.
The workshop will meet on eight consecutive Fridays, starting February 12th through April 2nd, virtually via Zoom. The workshop has a registration fee of $20 and is open to all participants. The program is sponsored in part by Human Development Funds.
Registration Link