The annual Chillicothe R-II School District Teacher of the Year and Beacon winners were announced Monday. The awards are possible through the support of the Chillicothe Education Foundation. Foundation President Ed Douglas handed out the awards to the nominees from each of the buildings. For Teacher of the year, that includes Adrienne Allen, CES; Jill Allen, Field; Diane Pittman, CMS; Amy Adams, CHS; Janice Shaffer, GRTS and this year’s winner, Dewey School’s fourth grade teacher Andrea Beck.
The Beacon Awards is presented to members of the Support Staff in the district. Douglas also handed out this award to the nominees, including, Kristie Newlin, District Office; Tamy Ewing, CES; Julie Moore, Dewey; Crystal Lehman, CMS; Lisa Wilson, CHS; Mary Jane Stephens, GRTS and this year’s winner Field School para-professional, Kimberly Taylor.
Superintendent Dr Dan Wiebers says they are very grateful for the Chillicothe Education Foundation’s support so that the district’s outstanding teachers and support staff can be recognized for their dedication to the District’s students.