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Flooding Continues Across The KCHI Listening Area

Flood Warnings continue in the KCHI Area.  The flood warning is for the Grand River and the Thompson River.

On the Grand River
At Gallatin, flood stage is 26 feet and the river is at 29.27 feet this morning, with a crest expected at 32.2 feet Wednesday.  Flooding will continue into Friday.

At Chillicothe, flood stage is 24 feet.  The river is at 35.01 feet and will fall slightly before rising to a crest of 36.6 feet on Wednesday night.  Flooding will continue in Chillicothe until Saturday.

At Sumner, Flood Stage is 26 feet.  The river is at 35.19 feet this morning and is expected to crest Thursday at 38.6 feet Flooding is expected to continue into the weekend.

At Brunswick, Flood Stage is 19 feet.  The latest reading was Monday morning and the river was expected to rise above flood stage overnight, headed to a crest on Friday night of 32.4 feet.

The Thompson River in Trenton crested at 28.82 feet Monday and fell back below flood stage of 27 feet overnight.  The river is expected to rise above flood stage again tonight, with a crest of 30.6 feet expected Wednesday morning.  Flooding will continue into Thursday morning.

Check the National Weather Service Hydrology Page for the latest flood readings