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Chillicothe R-II School District Personnel Matters

Hirings, Resignations and retirements where handled by the Chillicothe R-II School Board meeting executive session.

For Support Staff

Hirings include:

Terry Mammen-Bus Driver (Critical Shortage)

Barry Smith-Bus Driver

Felicia Hughes-CES Food Service

Peyton Diggs-MS Paraprofessional

Cameron Mitchell-MS Paraprofessional

William Dean Moore-HS Custodian

Mary Lou Wilhoit-HS Secretary


Resignations and retirements include:

Justin Schmitz-HS Custodian

Jessica Saucedo-MS Paraprofessional

Jessica Pomeroy-HS Custodian


For the Extra Duty positions

Resignations include:

Lendy Donoho-MS Softball 23/24 SY

Jessica Saucedo-Cheer Sponsor-Basketball 22/23 SY

Jessica Saucedo-Cheer Sponsor-Football 23/24 SY