The Ballot Language for the extension of the Chillicothe Capital Improvement Sales Tax Fund was approved by the council in Monday’s meeting. City Administrator Roze Frampton presented two samples for consideration. Both samples contained the same information. The first was two small paragraphs, while the second was one longer paragraph. Second Ward Councilman Wayne Cunningham provided his thoughts in the ballot language.
The approved ballot language reads as follows:
Shall the city of Chillicothe extend the existing one-half of 1 percent (1/2 of 1%) sales tax for the purpose of funding capital improvements, which may include the retirement of debt under previously authorized bonded indebtedness. The extension would not increase the capital improvement sales tax currently in effect and permits the use of revenues for capital improvements including, but not limited to improvements to the City’s Park system, Public Safety facilities, and other City buildings, and other capital improvements such as streets, stormwater, and facilities such as storm drains, curbs, and gutters.
The language will be found on the April 4th Municipal election Ballot for Chillicothe.