The Chillicothe City Council will consider stop signs, a water study, and economic development as part of the agenda Monday. The council meets at 5:30 pm at Chillicothe City Hall.
The agenda begins with the payment of salaries and bills.
Appearances include The City Administrator presenting four items.
- An ordinance for the agreement with the Missouri Department of Economic Development for the Industrial Site Development Purpose for the ARPA Funds
- An ordinance for an addendum to the engineering contract authorizing a water study in the alley from Clay to Ann Streets, between Washington and Locust.
- A request for funding to apply for a Historic Preservation Grant for the Wabash Area.
- A request by the School District for stop signs on Hornet Drive, at the second driveway (nearest the high school).
Other items include:
- The Police Chief will present an ordinance to purchase a LifeScan Fingerprinting machine.
- The Main Street Director will discuss the façade repair and restoration project for the corner of Clay and Washington.
An executive session is planned to follow the regular meeting.