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MU Rural Clinical Immersion In Chillicothe

The University of Missouri School of Medicine’s Rural Clinical Immersion program gives students a rural medical experience as they spend time in a rural community, this year that was in Chillicothe.  The program focused on three areas:  Mental Health, Education and Poverty, and Exercise, Nutrition, and Safety.

Identified resources available for education include public and private schools, public libraries, and the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center.   Recommendations include adding cultural activities, more dual credit opportunities, and public transportation.

In the area of poverty, the suggestion was to increase awareness of resources and programs in the community.

Health Literacy had the group looking at access to healthy foods, and education on eating and cooking healthy.  They found many programs available, but awareness may be a concern.  Opportunities for improvement include education and the use of personal protective equipment in situations that could be hazardous in a farm setting.