Two Livingston County 4H members will attend the 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus in June. The Chillicothe Women Agri-Leaders, formerly known as the Chillicothe Young Farm Wives, selected two scholarship recipients to attend the event. Madison Eller and Abbey Hoerr are the recipients of the event scholarships. Eller is a member of the Springhill Go Getters 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Sara and David Eller of Chillicothe and is a senior at Chillicothe High School.
Hoerr is a member of the Hale Happy Hustlers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Betsy and Joe Hoerr of Hale and is a senior at Hale School.
The Chillicothe Women Agri-Leaders will pay $1000 of the $2000 trip cost for these young ladies.