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Virtual Wildflower Program – Wild Color Palettes

“Native Plants: Wild Color Palettes.” – A virtual program from the Missouri Department of Conservation will be presented FREE on September 20th.

If you think planting non-native flowers is the only way to have colorful flower beds, the MDC says to get ready to have your mind changed.

This program, which will be from 3:30-4:30 pm.   MDC Naturalist Jordanya Raos will suggest native wildflower combinations that can provide an array of color to your flowerbeds throughout the growing season.   She says in addition to being pleasing to the human eye, these plants also provide valuable habitat for pollinating insects.

This program is open to all ages. Registration is free, by following the link with this story.  People can register for this program at:

This program will include a chat-based question-and-answer period where participants can interact with the presenters.