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Missouri November Ballot Measure – Amendment 3

Six ballot measures will be on Missouri’s November ballot for the general election.  The Secretary of State has released the ballot language for each of the items, along with fair ballot language for each.

Amendment 3

The Ballot question reads as follows.

Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to:

  • establish a right to make decisions about reproductive health care, including abortion and contraceptives, with any governmental interference of that right presumed invalid;
  • remove Missouri’s ban on abortion;
  • allow regulation of reproductive health care to improve or maintain the health of the patient;
  • require the government not to discriminate, in government programs, funding, and other activities, against persons providing or obtaining reproductive health care; and
  • allow abortion to be restricted or banned after Fetal Viability except to protect the life or health of the woman?

State governmental entities estimate no costs or savings, but unknown impact. Local governmental entities estimate costs of at least $51,000 annually in reduced tax revenues. Opponents estimate a potentially significant loss to state revenue.

Fair Ballot Language:

A “yes” vote establishes a constitutional right to make decisions about reproductive health care, including abortion and contraceptives, with any governmental interference of that right presumed invalid; removes Missouri’s ban on abortion; allows regulation of reproductive health care to improve or maintain the health of the patient; requires the government not to discriminate, in government programs, funding, and other activities, against persons providing or obtaining reproductive health care; and allows abortion to be restricted or banned after Fetal Viability except to protect the life or health of the woman.

A “no” vote will continue the statutory prohibition of abortion in Missouri.

If passed, this measure may reduce local taxes while the impact to state taxes is unknown.


Over the next two weeks, KCHI will present each of the ballot measures on the November ballot.