The disposal of real Christmas Trees in Chillicothe will be handled by the Chillicothe Street Department, Trees will be picked up on Monday, January 13th, and Monday, January 27th. Before the trees are picked up, they will need to be placed on the curb, but not in the street. The real trees must have everything removed. This includes ornaments, tinsel, lights, and the tree stand.
If you would like to dispose of the tree yourself, Chillicothe Municipal Utilities allows you to drop them at the burn site.
Again, everything must be removed from the tree and they WILL NOT accept artificial trees.
If you had a real Christmas Tree and have taken the tree down, the Missouri Department of Conservation offers a few suggestions to repurpose that tree.
The trees can be used as cover in your yard. Placing them in their stand near your bird feeder can provide cover for the birds as they are feeding.
You can also decorate the trees with strings of popcorn and cranberries and maybe even add some pine cones that are smeared with peanut butter or suet and then rolled in some birdseed. Put the tree near your bird feeder and watch and enjoy the birds.
Those trees also make good cover along a fenceline. Small animals like rabbits can take cover from the weather and predators.