The Brookfield R-III School District voters will be asked to approve borrowing $3.9 million without increasing the debt service tax levy. The School Board approved the ballot language for the April 8th municipal election.
That language states the funds would be used to:
- Replace and update the current track and field facility;
- Upgrade heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and replace student lockers District-wide;
- Enhance the existing Elementary School playground;
- And to the extent funds are available, complete other repairs and improvements to the existing facilities of the District.
The school district would issue general obligation bonds for the repayment of the loan.
The ballot language states, if approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.6600 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.
The item will be on the Brookfield R-III April Ballot as Proposition 2.