With six day remaining to file for Chillicothe City offices that are on the April ballot, there is still one significant office that has no candidates.
The Current City Auditor, Teresa (Gatson) Kelly, did not file for re-election, but instead filed to be Mayor and will face incumbent Reed Dupy.
There are no candidates for the office of City Auditor.
In addition to the filings for Mayor, filings include:
City Clerk – Roze Frampton
Councilman At Large – Tom Ashbrook
1st Ward – Dennis Albertson, Jr. and Adam B Brown
2nd Ward – Wayne Cunningham
3rd Ward – John E Plaster
4th Ward – Pam Jarding
City Constable – Jon Maples
There are two other offices with no candidate and are both offices with no duties are the City Treasurer and City Attorney.