Chillicothe’s Third Ward Councilman, Tom Douglas, passed away Friday at the age of 70. Tom Douglas served the residents of the Third Ward for nearly 20 years, after he was elected in 1997. Douglas served until 2007, and returned to the council two years later in 2009 and continued to serve until his death Friday.
As a councilman, Douglas was a strong supporter of the Chillicothe Fire Department and helped to make sure the city followed through on the commitments to expand and remodel of the Fire Station and the construction of the Fire Training Center. Douglas was honored last December by the Fire Department with the presentation of a plaque, thanking him for that support.
“The City of Chillicothe mourns the passing of 3rd Ward Councilman, Tom Douglas, and offers heartfelt condolences to his family and many friends. Tom was a true champion of his constituents in particular, and the City in general. His passion and leadership will be sorely missed in the Council room. ”
City Administrator Darin Chappell
At the Chillicothe City Council Meetings, Douglas would stand – even though he was using a wheel chair to get around – and led the Pledge of Allegiance. The few times he did not lead the Pledge, it was because he wanted the Boy Scouts or Veterans Group in attendance to have that honor.