When emergency services is attempting to locate a rural address, they often have to rely on landmarks. Finding a property along rural roads can be difficult, and when you are responding to a 911 call, the time spent finding an address could be better spent assisting a patient. The Livingston County Health Center and Aging In Place Livingston County are leading a project to improve emergency response time by selling signs with your 911 house number that can be posted at the end of your driveway.
Ann Burchett from the Health Center says this is a priority for them.
Burchett says GPS is not 100% accurate and finding an address on one of the country roads often depends on seeing the 911 house number.
Fire Chief Darrell Wright says this is an ongoing issue for the ambulance crews and for law enforcement. He says the new signs will clearly identify the property.
This project is 100% voluntary but can save lives. If you are interested in the new 911 house number signs, contact the Livingston County Health Center. Signs are available in two styles, mailbox mount for $15 or post mount for $20. They also have posts available for an additional $15
If you want to know more or would like to place an order, call the Livingston County Health Center at 646-5506.