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Flooding Predicted Near Sumner This Weekend

With the rains expected over the weekend and the melting of the snow, the Grand River at Sumner could rise above flood stage over the weekend.  Flood Stage for the Grand River at Sumner is 26 feet.  The river is expected to rise above flood stage Saturday evening and continue to rise to a crest of 29 feet Sunday night and then slowly fall back below flood stage Tuesday morning.

Motorist traveling in the Sumner area are reminded area roads can become flooded and impassable when the river rises above flood stage of 26 feet.  Use caution and if you find roads are flooded, you are urged to turn around and don’t drown.  Find an alternate route to reach your destination.

The Grand River at Brunswick is also expected to rise, but will crest at about 18 feet, a foot short of the 19 foot flood stage.