Representatives from the Future Farmers of Ukraine, an organization patterned after the FFA, will be in Chillicothe Friday, as part of their tour of the state of Missouri and the US. The Future Farmers of Ukraine’s goal is to train youth that are 14-18 years of age to promote successful development of agriculture in Ukraine and lead local communities, the country, and the world.
The Ukrainian Council agreed to send a delegation to the United States to observe and learn about our country’s achievements in this area. The group of six students and seven adults have been the guests of the Agricultural Education and Leadership program at the University of Missouri and have been spending 10 days visiting local chapters and the Missouri State FFA Convention.
Friday, they will be in Chillicothe for a lunch hosted by the Jerry Litton Family Memorial Foundation. They will spend the afternoon touring the Litton Ag Center and will attend the annual Chillicothe FFA Banquet Friday evening.