The first Wine Walk of 2019 will be May 17th in Downtown Chillicothe. The event is put on by Main Street Chillicothe and Pam Jarding from Main Street says there are 20 local merchants participating this year.
Jarding says the Wine Walk will start at the Commerce Center at 4:00 pm. You can pre-register or register on site. The cost is $20 and you will receive an engraved wine glass and a map of the businesses. The businesses will also have a food item that is paired with the particular wine they are serving.
The Wine Walk continues until 8:00 pm. There will also be entertainment that evening at Silvermoon Plaza.
You must be 21 years of age to participate in the Wine Walk. Food and beverage will be available during the concert. To pre-register, contact the Main Street Office at 646-4071.