Personal property owners, including businesses, are minded they must report personal property owned on January 1st to the Assessor’s Office by March 1st. Earlier this year, the Assessor mailed a list to those personal property owners whose names appeared on the tax rolls.
Those not returning a completed list to the Assessor’s office by the March 1st deadline are subject to a penalty. Ripley says “Penalties range from $10 to $100 depending on the value of the property.” He says “The statutes provide the assessor with almost no discretion to waive the penalties.”
Property owners who have not received a personal property list or who are new to the County are not excused from filing and should contact the assessor office at 660-646-8000 ext. 2 or stop by the office on the first floor of the courthouse.
Ripley says with less than a month remaining before the deadline, they have received only 47% of the personal property assessment lists.