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Filing For April Municipal Election Begins

Filing for the April 6th municipal election began Tuesday at 8:00 am, first day filings include:

For the City of Chillicothe

MAYOR                                   Theresa (Gatson) Kelly *

CITY CLERK                            Rozanne (Roze) Frampton *

CITY AUDITOR                        Hannah Fletcher *

COUNCILMAN – AT-LARGE     Thomas L. Ashbrook*

1ST WARD COUNCILMAN        Reed Dupy

2ND WARD COUNCILMAN        Wayne Cunningham *

3RD WARD COUNCILMAN        Joshua L. Fosdick *

4th WARD COUNCILMAN         Pam Jarding *

For Chillicothe R-II School Board

Lindy Chapman *

For Livingston County Health Center Board

Doris Darlene Hughes of Chillicothe

The filing for the municipal election continues through January 19th.  If you have questions about filing or where to file, contact the County Clerk.  In Livingston County, the number is 646-8000 ext 3

* Incumbent