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Another Very Hot Day – Stay Cool & Hydrated

Temperatures in Chillicothe will be in the upper 90’s again today.

Monday, the official high temperature was 98, with a Heat Index as high as 112 degrees.

Today’s forecast is for a high of 95 degrees, with a heat index of 103.

Health officials recommend keeping yourself well hydrated.  Drink plenty of water.  Caffeinated beverages, including sodas and coffee, are not recommended.  Alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.

Stay inside in a cool area.   If you do not have air conditioning, consider a drive in your vehicle or spending time with family or friends with ac.

A list of cooling center locations that are available to the public includes:

Livingston County Health Center
Calvary Baptist Church
Livingston County Library

Dogs that are normally outside can be brought inside, possibly into the basement, where it is cool.  If they must remain outside, make sure they have shade and good air movement.  Give them plenty of fresh cool water, changing that water often throughout the day.  If you see them digging and laying in the hole, it is their way of trying to stay cool.