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Track At Old Stadium Site To Be Resurfaced

The track at the old Litton Stadium, next to Grand River Technical School has been crumbling for many years and requires resurfacing to allow it to be used safely.  The City of Chillicothe was recently approached to provide funds to assist with the resurfacing of the track that is available for public use.  City Administrator Roze Frampton says they were contacted by Brent Turner.

The committee requested $5,000 from the city.

The request was brought to the city council and Frampton says they approved the request, using ARPA funds.

The total cost of resurfacing the track is $138,000.

Additional funding was provided by:

Chillicothe Education Foundation………… $50,000

Mervyn Jenkins Foundation……………….. $38,000

Livingston County Commission…………… $25,000

Gladys McCall Foundation…………………. $15,000

Chillicothe R-II School District………………. $5,000

        Plus the cost of lining the track surface

City of Chillicothe……………………………….. $5,000

Work on the track will start this week and it could be available for public use within 10 days.