The filings for the Chillicothe City elected office closed at 5:00 pm Tuesday. There were no new filings on Tuesday. The list of candidates for the April Municipal Election for Chillicothe include:
Theresa (Gatson) Kelly….. Mayor
Amy Hess……………………. City Clerk
Allison Jeffries……………… City Auditor
Tom Ashbrook……………… Councilman-at-large
Reed Dupy………………….. 1st Ward Councilman
Weston Baker………………. 2nd Ward Councilman
Stacey Soper……………….. 3rd Ward Councilman
Manuel Morales……………. 3rd Ward Councilman
Pam Jarding………………… 4th Ward Councilman
Jon Maples………………….. Constable