The 56th annual Farmers Electric Cooperative Essay Contest is open and applications are available on line. The contest includes winners for two programs, the Youth Tour to Washington DC for 2018/19 High School Juniors – with an opportunity to win a trip to the nation’s capital June 15th to the 20th; and Sophomores compete for an opportunity to attend the Cooperative Youth Conference Leadership Experience or C.Y.C.L.E. in Jefferson City, July 17th to the 19th. Chasity Anderson from Farmers Electric Cooperative says they have an interesting topic for the students this year.
The Essay Contests are open to ANY student that lives within the Farmers Electric Cooperative Service area, not just members. Entry forms have been sent to the area schools and are available from the Farmers Electric Cooperative website. The deadline for the entries is January 18th. Winners will be announced in March
If you have questions about the Essay Contest, call Farmers Electric Cooperative at 646-4281.