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Chillicothe R-II ACT Scores

The Chillicothe High School ACT scores show improvement over 2021, as the district’s average was once again higher than both the State and National averages.   In 2021, CHS averaged 20.8 in the composite score, with Missouri at 20.6 and the National composite at 20.3.    In 2022, Chillicothe scored 21.1 on the composite – up from the previous year, while Missouri was at 20.2 and the National Composite was 19.8, both down from the previous year.

Chillicothe High School staff will be hosting two ACT Workshops later in the school year on scheduled Saturdays for any student interested in attending. During these workshops, students work on ACT test-taking strategies and learn the nuts and bolts of what will be asked of them in each section of the ACT so they can plan accordingly before taking the test.