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Chillicothe Schools – Make Up Days and End of School Year

The Chillicothe R-II School board built in six make-up days when the calendar was approved for the 2018/19 school year, but no-one could have predicted fall flooding and such an extreme winter, resulting in so many days that need to be made up.

The make up days that are scheduled at this time include:

April 18th and 22nd – this will shorten the Easter Break to 1 day.

May 17th to the 24th – adding 3 days to the end of the calendar.

May 24th is the final day of classes.

Superintendent Dr Roger Barnes says that leaves one day that still needs to be made up.  He will ask the School Board to approved March 15th as a make-up day.  That day is set as a Teacher In-service.  Barnes says he would like the students in class a half day and the in-service would be in the afternoon.  That request could be considered at next week’s school board meeting.