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FFA Students Raising Money Through Barnwarming Activities

The 2018 Chillicothe FFA Barnwarming is underway, to raise funds to support the local FFA Chapter.   Senior candidates for the annual Barnwarming King and Queen, Kaylee Lewis and Drake Bradley explained Barnwarming ends in a dance on November 3rd, but Bradley says there is a lot of work that takes place before the dance.

Each class has candidates for the Barnwarming King and Queen.  They include: Seniors, Kaylee Lewis and Drake Bradley; Juniors, Josie Reeter and Hesston Campbell; Sophomores, Chloe Funk and Connor Keithley; Freshmen, Selby Miller and Gage Leamer.

Lewis explains how the funds raised at Barnwarming are used by the chapter.

If you have any type of job, give an FFA member a call or call one of the advisors at the Litton Agriculture Campus at 646-3131.  They will do those jobs through November 3rd.