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Final Hearing For Livingston Co. Budget Is Thursday

The final public hearing for the 2019 Livingston County Budget is next Thursday, January 31st at 10:00 am.  The County Commission and the Livingston County Clerk have worked to set the budget that includes, available cash from 2018 of just under $2.1 million dollars, Revenues of $7.7 million and Expenditures of nearly $8.8 million.

The budget includes a Cost of Living adjustment for the employees of 3% and an increase in the starting wage for county employees.

The Commissioners have also committed to making sure the county has $1 million in reserves.

Other items in the budget include the courthouse renovation project and a new vehicle for the Sheriff’s Department.

The budget document is available for inspection in the County Clerk’s office until the time of the final public hearing.

The Livingston County Budget hearing is Thursday at 10:00 am in the Commission Room of the Courthouse.  Following approval by the Commission, the budget is filed with the State of Missouri.