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Bridge Re-Opens While Another Is Set To Close

The Missouri Department of Transportation Made Announcements About two bridge projects.

The West Yellow Creek Bridge on Highway 6 in Sullivan County was closed Tuesday, but because of the current weather and road condition, it has been re-opened.  MoDOT says they are reevaluating the local detour route to prevent motorists from traveling on frequently flooded roadways. A new closure date and detour route have not yet been established.

The bridge deck on the Route ZZ bridge over the West Fork of Locust Creek in Sullivan County will be replaced beginning next week.  The Missouri Department of Transportation says the bridge has been in use since 1961.  The bridge deck replacement project was awarded to Chester Bross Construction Company, who will work with MoDOT.  Crews plan to close the bridge Wednesday, May 8th, with a planned reopening in early July. Motorists will need to use an alternate route during the closure.