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Open House For Local Bridge Projects

The Missouri Department of Transportation is moving forward with plans for the bridge deck replacements on US 65 at the Grand River and Highway 190 at the Thompson River.  MoDOT will have an open house this Thursday at the CMU office to discuss the plans.  The Open House will be from 4:00 to 6:00 pm and is an informal come and go event and there will be no formal presentation.

Designers and engineers from the Missouri Department of Transportation and consultants from Garver, Inc. will be on hand to discuss the construction plans for the bridges, potential detour routes and gather public input.

The public is invited to drop in any time and is encouraged to offer comments and ask questions. Participants will also have the opportunity to document their comments and sign up to be included on project updates via email.

The project is currently scheduled to go out for bid in August 2019.