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Cold Temperatures A Factor For Halloween Costumes

Temperatures will remain in the upper 30’s and wind chills below the freezing mark today, giving parents an additional area of concern as the children begin their trick-or-treating.  In addition to ensuring the children are seen – with the use of bright colors and reflective tape or material, that they can see – with a good mask or the use of face paint, and good supervision on the trick or treating adventure.  Today, parents will need to make sure the children are warm.

If there is room under the costume for additional layers, they will be needed.  Hats and gloves or mittens will be a good idea as well.  You may need a jacket over the costume, but staying warm is going to make the evening more fun.

Remind children to stay away from houses with no light, they may not be home, may have run out of candy, or just not participating.

Drivers will need to use caution on the streets as children may run out from between vehicles without looking.

Consider alternatives for the celebration of Halloween, like a family or neighborhood party….